The iWah… Now we’re Waiting for the iPadalboard!
Yes it exists ! The stands are made from aircraft grade aluminum by II:XX Stands. Now... Do you really want your foot...
Logitech Wireless Guitar…
Why did they make such an abomination (back in 2008) ? And let's not talk about its price point : $250 ! We obviously...
The Shred-o-Meter
At Guitar Fail, we have much respect for inventors but damn this Shred-O-Meter ! It sounds like a Geiger counter than...
Let’s Define Fingering !
Eeew... That's an ugly bottleneck, and sort of rude too! It looks like your flipping the bird at your audience while...
Why Bother Learning Chord Shapes ? Just Use Chord Buddy !
That chord buddy could be a great tool for those who have some fingers or hand disability but still want to play...