Patch Cable Necklace : Who Said Gear Can’t Be Glam?
Strap in for a riotous riff on the world’s most literal chain of effects—where fashion meets function in the most electrifying way.
How to Amplify an Unplugged Electric Guitar ?
You thought that the easiest way to amplify an electric guitar was using an amp ? Wrong ! You can use the Delsonix...
Fretpen : Win or Fail ?
"Learn and Play Guitar...Anywhere" huh ? Though I doubt you can learn anything on this fretpen, I still can't...
Bikini + Guitar Picks = Pickini Swimsuit
Best use of guitar picks ever ! From Sports Illustrated, Swimsuit issue 2007. Model Bar Refaeli in Jamaica, wearing...
Guitar Hack: A Device for Guitar Learning for People Who Hate Guitar Learning
Can’t play guitar? There’s a gadget for that! Every now and then, a gadget is supposed to revolutionize guitar learning. But the GuitarBar takes the cake.
Can’t Stand the Fingertip Pain When Playing Guitar ?
We've all been there ! Playing guitar is a lot of fun but every beginner ever has to pass the fingertip pain stage of...
Worst Guitar Stand Ever ?
"Hey, check out my new guitar stand - it's a naked lady on all fours !" It's sure to be a hit at parties, for better...
The Callus Builder
Now I've seen everything ! An accessory to build calluses, really ? And I thought that playing guitar was enough !...
YSL Guitar Pick
Play it loud. Play it Black. Or don't ! Your choice...
The Most Useless Guitar Practice Gadget Ever !
This portable pocket guitar practice gadget is so useless that I don't even know how they made a full 1 minute video...
The Most Expensive Capo Ever… But Why ?
Finally, a capo that matches my diamond-encrusted guitar strap. Now I can finally achieve my dream of becoming a human...
Alternative Use of a Guitar Stand
That guitar stand was built to hold that pint ! That's pretty convenient !