We just came back from a deep dive into the world of unusual guitars, and we’ve just hit the motherload—meet the Whale Guitar. Now, we usually poke fun at these wacky instruments, but this one has a noble cause. So, while we feel a bit guilty about making jokes, we can’t resist the urge to have a whale of a time with this one.

This guitar isn’t just a musical instrument; it’s a work of art, an Instrument of Change (capitalized for dramatic effect), and a beacon of hope for our oceans. Crafted by artists in the Ocean State (where else?), the guitar takes inspiration from Herman Melville’s epic tale, “Moby-Dick,” reimagined as a climate change cautionary tale.

Yes, you heard that right—this guitar is here to save the planet, one riff at a time… Well, that’s if some Ahab shredder is ever able to play it! Doesn’t look that easy to get hold of it, right?

The Whale Guitar’s journey is as epic as Captain Ahab’s chase. Played and signed by hundreds of guitarists— it’s a whale remember? It has plenty of space to be signed by hundreds including J. Mascis and Nels Cline— it’s on a mission to amplify voices for climate justice and ocean health.

Let’s break it down:

  1. The Design: Shaped like a whale, complete with a gnarly set of teeth, this guitar looks ready to swallow you whole. It’s got three single-coil pickups—because why should a whale settle for anything less? We sincerely hope these are P-90s (which they probably are not) because if you want that guitar to eat every adventurous guitarist, you’ll need that extra bite!
  2. The Symbolism: The whale represents nature’s fury, rising temperatures, storm magnitudes, and sea levels—all provoked by human activity. Think of it as Mother Nature’s angry letter to humanity, set to music.
  3. Captain Ahab: Mad Captain Ahab symbolizes unbalanced leadership. His quest for dominion over nature imperiled an entire world crew. The headstock of the Whale Guitar is a whaling boat with its crew of 6 doomed whalers! We get it, the whole thing is a metaphor, but we still can’t help imagining Ahab shredding a solo on this bad whale! And boy that is hilarious to picture him, or any guitarist for that matter, fighting to just hold it correctly.
  4. The Cause: It’s all about climate justice and ocean health. The guitar’s journey aims to raise awareness and get people talking about these critical issues. Now imagine the tone from that beast… It’s like the musical version of a Greenpeace protest, only louder and with more distortion.

Now, we sort of feel ashamed to make fun of this instrument because of its noble cause. But hey, we’re here to poke fun at these shenanigans, and this whale of a guitar is no exception. So, while it may have a serious message, we can still appreciate the quirky creativity behind it.

In the end, the Whale Guitar is more than just an instrument—it’s a call to action. Which action? We let you decide. As long as you’re making waves, that should be fine.

Guitar Fail
Guitar Fail

Exploring the funny side of guitar since 2011. Our motto is simple: “In it for the guitar fail!“

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