Alright, let’s dive into this one because it’s not every day you see a guitar that looks like it could double as your left foot. Meet the Rambler by Strobel Guitars, a full-scale, custom travel guitar that’s modeled after a Fender Stratocaster. I know, I know… I shouldn’t be poking fun at this instrument because it is well crafted (props to the builder) and well thought…

Except, you know… it kinda looks like a foot.

Now, it’s not your average foot, mind you. I mean, this is the kind of foot you’d see in a funhouse mirror—distorted, weird, and somehow fascinating. But still… a foot.

A Stratocaster That Walks Away?

So yeah, it’s a travel guitar that’s supposed to be compact, and Strobel really leaned into the whole “light on your feet” thing. This thing weighs only four pounds. Four. That’s lighter than some pairs of boots.

So in a way, it’s like they took the whole “travel” idea and decided, “Hey, let’s make this guitar look like something that travels a lot… like feet!”

Disassembly Required (And No Tools Needed!)

Now, here’s where things get interesting. The Rambler can be disassembled without tools. Yeah, you heard that right. You just loosen the string keeper from the top of the neck, wrap the strings around the body, remove the four thumbwheels, and BOOM—you’ve got yourself a headless, dismembered guitar. It’s like taking apart a toy but for grown-ups who are really into guitars.

And the best part? You can stuff this Frankenstein foot of a guitar into your laptop bag. I mean, who doesn’t want to open their computer bag and pull out a disassembled foot-shaped guitar? Honestly, I’m just picturing TSA’s reaction when you whip this out at airport security.

Headless? Yeah, I’m Not a Fan

Look, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I don’t vibe with headless guitars. They just feel wrong, like a guitar missing a crucial body part.

It’s like seeing a snake without a head.

Cool? Maybe.

Unsettling? Definitely.

But Strobel wasn’t content with just making a travel guitar—they went full headless on this bad boy. So, not only do you have a foot-shaped guitar, but it’s also headless. It’s like the world’s weirdest Frankenstein monster, except this one plays “Stairway to Heaven” (or whatever you want to play really)

It’s Light… It’s Compact… It’s… Practical?

Okay, I’ll give it to Strobel here—it’s practical. Weighing in at only four pounds, you could carry this guitar around all day and not even feel it. And the fact that it fits in a computer bag when broken down? I guess if you’re a nomad guitarist looking for something to strum between work emails, this could be your dream setup.

Plus, there’s a weird satisfaction in knowing you can disassemble and reassemble your guitar like some kind of musical IKEA product.

Final Thoughts…

The Strobel Rambler looks like a wild ride. It’s light, it’s disassemble-able (is that even a word?), and it looks like a foot… sorta.

Is it a Stratocaster? Technically, yes.

Does it look like one? Meh, not really.

But if you’re into travel guitars that double as conversation pieces and you’ve got a soft spot for strange foot-shaped instruments, this one’s for you.

Just… don’t leave it on the floor. Someone might try to put it on.

Guitar Fail
Guitar Fail

Exploring the funny side of guitar since 2011. Our motto is simple: “In it for the guitar fail!“

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