Yes it exists ! The stands are made from aircraft grade aluminum by II:XX Stands.
Now… Do you really want your foot that close to your iPad ?
Guitar Fail
Exploring the funny side of guitar since 2011. Our motto is simple: “In it for the guitar fail!“
on September 29, 2011 at 8:55 am
It’s somewhere far from being stupid. Yeah the iPad is too close from the foots, but what if it was higher ?
What strikes me, secondly is that you have a full range of different stuff that can be modify in real time thanks to the iPad and that the guy just used it as a wah. Poor use, but it can lead in something interresting.
It’s somewhere far from being stupid. Yeah the iPad is too close from the foots, but what if it was higher ?
What strikes me, secondly is that you have a full range of different stuff that can be modify in real time thanks to the iPad and that the guy just used it as a wah. Poor use, but it can lead in something interresting.
iPedalBoard – you mean like the Digitech iPB-10?
Funny that I forgot about the iPB-10 🙂