The Ramen Stratocaster: When Your Love for Food Meets Your Love for Music
Let’s raise a fork…I mean, a pick…to the Ramen Stratocaster, the guitar that proves you can make music out of anything, even your favorite college snack.
Let’s raise a fork…I mean, a pick…to the Ramen Stratocaster, the guitar that proves you can make music out of anything, even your favorite college snack.
I’m not sure what the builder was going for with this guitar, but maybe this is the future of guitar building.
If Tonka the guitar is anything like Tonka the toy, it’ll be forgotten in a box somewhere in a few months.
Who comes up with these designs? Are aliens secretly designing guitars now? Or is it just a human’s fascination with all things extraterrestrial?
This DIY guitar is like a musical Rorschach test. What do you see? A Flying V or a Stratocaster? An SG or a Telecaster? The possibilities are endless.