by Guitar Fail | May 23, 2017 | Custom
Don’t know even know where to start ! Golden neck, zigzag frets (meant to be true temperament?), the pseudo Herman Li grip,… Everything is so weird ! Enregistrer Enregistrer
by Guitar Fail | May 16, 2017 | Effects
I could buy this Ned Flangers pedal just because of the awesome pun and the googly eyes ! I don’t even have to know how it sounds ! Shut up and take my money ! Source
by Guitar Fail | Mar 30, 2017 | Repairs
You can’t get simpler than this ! No, you can’t ! This guitar may not be able to hold a stable tuning anymore, but at least it has a unique DIY look now. Source
by Guitar Fail | Feb 26, 2017 | Custom
It is common knowledge that adding a wired Stratocaster pickguard to an acoustic guitar is the guarantee to get the best of both worlds… In an alternate reality ! Source
by Guitar Fail | Aug 1, 2016 | Funny
This is what I’m afraid I migh end up with when I consider buying a guitar kit ! Which is why I’ve never bought one…