So, you think your Stratocaster is versatile? Think again. Introducing this Green Machine, a Stratocaster that doesn’t settle for the usual three pickups. No, it crams in six single-coil pickups, two five-way selector switches, and an extra mini-toggle switch for good measure. Because why not?

Okay we’ve seen worse before… The 8-Pickup Ural V8 – yes, this thing exists – rumor has it that somewhere, a guitarist is still trying to figure out which pickup is active; or Johnny Marr’s 9-Pickup Strat, A tribute to excess, proving that more isn’t always better, but it’s certainly more confusing.

More pickups, more problems ? Source

Simple Switching System?

At first glance, the switching system looks simple, but is it? It is if by “simple” you mean like rocket science. You might need a PhD in electrical engineering to figure out the tone combinations. Especially if you take the mystery switch into consideration. That extra mini-toggle switch might just be there to mess with your head.

This Green Machine strat leaves us with so many questions…

Flashy Green Distraction?

All these pickups… Is it a way to divert our attention from the flashy green color? Probably! Unless it is the other way around! Remember the old adage? When in doubt, go green and hope no one notices the Frankenstein wiring job.

More Pickups, More Tone?

For sure! Imagine the tonal possibilities. Or maybe it just adds to the confusion. In that case, just stick to the neck pickup and hope for the best.

How Many Pickups is Too Many?

Clearly, there is a limit but Johnny Marr proved that it is beyond 9 single coil pickups. Six pickups? It’s just an amuse bouche. Why stop there? Let’s go for ten and turn your guitar into a tonal roulette wheel… or a magnetic disaster waiting to happen.

What Is This Guitar Anyway?

It’s a Strat, but beyond that, it’s a mystery. A custom job? A DIY project gone awry? We may never know. That’s the million-dollar question. This might be a one-of-a-kind masterpiece or the work of a mad genius. Either way, good luck finding another one.

Final Thoughts

This six-pickup, two-switch, flashy green Stratocaster is a testament to the philosophy of “more is more.” Whether it’s a clever attempt to distract from its color or a genuine quest for ultimate tonal variety, it certainly leaves us with plenty of questions and a fair amount of confusion.

But hey, isn’t that what makes the guitar world so wonderfully weird?

Next time you think your guitar is too complex, just remember this Green Machine. And be thankful you only have three pickups to worry about.

Guitar Fail
Guitar Fail

Exploring the funny side of guitar since 2011. Our motto is simple: “In it for the guitar fail!“

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