The Ramen Stratocaster: When Your Love for Food Meets Your Love for Music
Let’s raise a fork…I mean, a pick…to the Ramen Stratocaster, the guitar that proves you can make music out of anything, even your favorite college snack.
Unleash Your Inner Lumberjack with the Tree Trunk Guitar
I’m not sure what the builder was going for with this guitar, but maybe this is the future of guitar building.
When Guitars and Toys Collide: The Headless Yellow SG Tonka Guitar
If Tonka the guitar is anything like Tonka the toy, it’ll be forgotten in a box somewhere in a few months.
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Stay tuned for the funniest guitar fails, hilarious guitar tales and exclusive deals !
That Neck Pickup Must Sound Saucy !
I heard the Fancy Ketchup pickups give your guitar a taste of the high life... literally. I mean, who wouldn't want their solos to taste like a fancy steak...
Once Upon a Time, a Telecaster Met a Flyrig…
... and BAM ! Introducing the Telecaster-Flyrig hybrid, the ultimate choice for musicians who can't decide whether investing in a guitar or a pedalboard. Just...
Help us Identify this Guitar Pickup
The OCB Premium guitar pickup, for that authentic "rockstar who doesn't give a damn" sound. Source
I Betcha Can’t Do the Spider Chords !
Despite the fact that the first chord is really weird, no doubt it's a WIN to have such long and flexible fingers ! To play guitar, obviously !
Nick Jonas Guitar Solo Tablature !
By now you've all heard about Nick Jonas guitar solo fail at the ACM Awards and y'all know that he blames a brain fart for that. Love the self-deprecating...
100 Pedals, One Big Wall of Sound !
I wish I had a hundred pitch shifting and ring mod pedals to do the same experiment... Imagine, 100 pitch shifting and rind mod pedals ! We all somehow know...