The Ultimate Tool to Get Joe Bonamassa’s Tone ?

The Ultimate Tool to Get Joe Bonamassa’s Tone ?

Insert your tool in the, well, tool to get bigger, better, and faster but not instantly, obviously. It will require a few sessions before you see an improvement. That's silly, I know ! Joe Bonamassa Signature Penis Enlarger - Source

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Phoenix Guitar

Phoenix Guitar

This Charvel Phoenix was designed, built, and painted by Jim O'Connor in 1985 ! We burn it, and it keeps coming back to life by arising from the ashes ! Source

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Roach Lapsteel

Roach Lapsteel

Probably not the easiest bodyshape to play either as a standard guitar or a lapsteel guitar. Good craftmanship though ! The roach lap steel is built around the salvaged neck off a Yamaha acoustic guitar. The body, wings and legs are yellow pine. It has one humbucker...

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You Can’t Tell the Female Form by Looking at the Butt

Spotted at Etsy... It is supposed to be a female form acoustic guitar. You know... They had to add details, because the curvaceous shape of a guitar is not reminiscent enough of a fantasized woman's hourglass figure, hahaha ! You can watch and hear the guitar on...

Wood, Horns and Strings : Meet the Mighty Bull Guitar

Just be prepared for a workout if you plan on rocking out all night long. But hey, you’ll have arms like Schwarzenegger in no time.

Is This Some Sort of Modern Art ?

Go home guitar, you're drunk ! This Stratocaster is probably made for guitarists who like to be different...and confused. Unless it is a very confusing variation for left-handed guitar players. Anyway, it seems a little bit challenging !

Guitar Shapes Gone Wild: How to Turn a Classic Flying V into a Reverse Flying WTF ?

The Black Rock Reverse Flying V should be perfect for any guitarist who wants to stand out from the flock.

See You Later Alligator…

Or maybe it's a crocodile ! In any case it is a weird looking Telecaster ! Enregistrer

A-ha Guitar… Ahahahaha ! This Guitar is a Joke, Right?

What's the deal with a a-ha shaped guitar? I mean, is it just me or is this just a ridiculous thing to make a guitar look like? What's next, a Schwarzenegger shaped barbell ?

Musical Manscaping: MGK’s Schecter Razor Blade Guitar Is Here to Trim the Excess!

This MGK’s Schecter Razor Blade guitar is so sharp that when you strum it on the edge, it cuts through the mix with no effort. The next cutting edge of Rock ?

All I Wanted Was a Volume Knob !

This confusing guitar is actually a 1976 Godwin Guitorgan vintage synth organ. The Godwin Guitorgan was developed by the Godwin Company in 1976. It was designed to emulate the sound of a traditional pipe organ, and featured a built-in guitar pickup that allowed...

Sweet and Hot Peppers Guitar

Red Hot Chili Peppers' Josh Klinghoffer could use this guitar to spice up things a little... Or maybe not ! One thing for sure, the Sweet and Hot Peppers guitar has more varieties than a Chipotle menu. But can it plays as hot as it looks ? The Sweet and Hot Peppers by...

Crippled Guitarists Can Still Have Fun…

... Well, until they actually try to play this crutch guitar ! Just imagine what would happen if they do? Mosrite crutch-shaped guitar Source Semie Moseley of Mosrite Guitars built this electric lap-steel for his friend Barbara Mandrell. In 1984, she was involved in a...


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Rocking Chairs

Rocking Chairs

Rockin chairs like in chairs that really rock ! I wanna say win for this except for the fact that these chair guitars are probably not the most comfortable......

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Step on a LEGO Wah Wah Pedal

You know the story, it may even have happened to you... You wake up in the middle of the night, and those sleepy eyes didn't see that LEGO piece on the floor....

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Guitar Fail

Exploring the funny side of guitar since 2011. Our motto is simple: “In it for the guitar fail!“