While a centaur teacher could be cool, I wouldn’t hire a werewolf for my guitar lessons… They shred too hard!
The part I like the best about this ad is the “In your home” part… Nay, mate! I don’t think you’ll fit in the elevator!

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Can he promise not to poop in my living room?
Don’t know if he does but he sure should include it in his T.O.S. 🙂
N’empêche, les étiquette avec son N° sont bien parties !!!
Google Translate gave me this…
“Nevertheless, the label with his No. parts are!”
…but I still have no idea what you’re saying.
Perhaps that you’d have put the pin so it was jutting out like it was his junk?
I meant :
All the labels with his telephone number are gone … So the centaur thing must attract some.
My question still stands:
Peut-il promettre de ne pas de merde dans mon salon?