Okay, let’s dive right into this beast of an instrument. At first glance, you might think it’s some kind of homemade weapon straight out of a post-apocalyptic Mad Max scenario.

But no, it’s just a guitar. Kind of.

When a bass pickup meets a guitar and creates something unholy – Source

The horns, or what’s left of them after some questionable DIY reshaping, look more like the antlers of a wild animal you’d use for self-defense. Seriously, forget guitar cases—this thing could fend off attackers.

Is it ergonomic? No.

Is it practical? Also no.

But will it turn heads and make people ask if you’re carrying a musical instrument or a dangerous weapon? You bet.

Messy Finish, But Who Needs Perfection?

Now, let’s talk about that finish. Well, “finish” might be too kind a word. It’s more like someone tried to paint it during an earthquake. The colors and lines are all over the place, as if the guitar was dipped in a vat of indecision.

Was it supposed to be rustic? Psychedelic? Your guess is as good as mine.

But hey, maybe it’s got character. Like that one friend who always shows up late and never remembers your birthday, but you still keep them around because they’re fun at parties.

Bass Pickup, But for a Guitar?

Oh, and here’s the kicker: that Precision Bass pickup has been turned into a humbucker for this guitar. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this Frankenstein-level mod – Remember that wild Explorer with crazy pickup combos ? – but it never stops being, well, strange.

Why stick to traditional pickups when you can slap a bass pickup on there and confuse everyone—including the guitar?

Does it work? Probably…

Does it sound good? Who knows…

But the effort is there, and that counts for something, right?

Hidden Bridge Cavity

As if that wasn’t enough, you’ve got the ghost of a previous bridge haunting this thing. Under the new Strat-style bridge, there’s the cavity where the old one used to live.

It’s like the guitar is wearing a reminder of its past mistakes—sort of like when you delete an app from your phone, but it still haunts you in your recently deleted folder.

In the world of guitars, this one is like that wild relative who shows up at family gatherings in a homemade outfit, carrying a flask, and telling stories no one asked to hear. You don’t really know what to do with it, but you’re kind of glad it’s there.

If nothing else, it’s a conversation starter—and possibly a self-defense tool. You never know when you’ll need horns for your next brawl… Just don’t expect this guitar to play like a dream. Or look like one.

Guitar Fail
Guitar Fail

Exploring the funny side of guitar since 2011. Our motto is simple: “In it for the guitar fail!“

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