Kozm guitars took it way too literally !! This guitar not only has a feminine body shape but it also has nipples, and a clit !!

This guitar by Jeff Kosmoski aka Kozm Guitars is the SB-3. This is the first design he came up with using 3D CAD solid-modeling programs. Kinky ! Alas – or luckily maybe – Kozm Guitars doesn’t make these anymore.
Beyond its rather provocative design, the SB-3 features a chambered ash body, a 3-way selector switch, one tone and one volume knobs, and 2 Seymour Duncan pickups.
Oh, and it has quite a nice butt too !!

I want one!
Wowza ,where n how much
It has a bdsm amputee fetish appeal to it. I love it and wish my milf mom would be like that so i can “care” for her.
i’m offended as a woman, but mostly i’m just offended because that thing is so fucking ugly!
Wait till you see the whammy bar on the male guitar.
I am a man and I am offended. It could be because I have a daughter, or because the guitar world seems to be very misogynistic at times. There is no room for this kind of CRAP in music. Maybe guitar designers should keep in mind that women play too.
I’m a woman, and I take no offense from this at all…and I also have a daughter. This is ART. Art is subjective and is seen from many different perspectives. The female form has been the subject of many artists, and the fact that you take offense to someone’s artistic expression…that isn’t even CLOSE to pornographic, by the way…shows how small minded you are.
It is ugly.
I have a Facebook page that everybody is invited to check out. Its called Fender Fanatics Inc.
I’d like to play with that pot
Wow, can’t wait to play with the knobs and pick-up selector.
So what does the headstock look like? And where do you plug in?
Real guitarists plug it the rear.
Disgusting. I’m a dude and you couldn’t pay me enough to take this heinous POS on stage. Have some respect for your audience eh …
It is definitely ugly…. like something from Bicentennial Man.
The oddly misshapen breasts are enough to qualify this for a “fail.”
I like the overall shape. In fact, I really wish there was an EXACT copy of this shape, but without the tacky sexualized bullshit.
It would be the only shape I own for both guitar AND bass. Perfect symmetry, nice double cut, non overbearing ‘arms’s or ‘horns’ {don’t know the technical term}, a nice curvature with a round rather than flat bottom, and not too wide of a ‘bell’.
All in all, the perfect overall balanced shape.
But tits, ass, and pussy? Save that for the groupies, not the guitars….
*disclaimer: Groupies are gross, too, so it’s not much of an improvement.