Air Guitar ?
One must never try to understand nor explain the intentions of an artist but this Negative Guitar is more like...
Homemade Kitchen Sink Guitar
YouTuber Pete Towers made this kitchen sink lap steel guitar using found materials, including a metal kitchen sink and...
Guitar Chair
This is the best stupid idea ever ! Not sure how comfortable this chair made of guitars is but it sure would find a...
Guitar Doorbell
GuitDoorbell is best doorbell ever ! You know how regular doorbells are boring or even annoying sometimes. Well, not...
Capo Hack
Clever but I'm not sure it will do the trick !
Something Went Really Wrong !
The light show was THAT good ! This sculpture, entitled "Melting Guitar," was created as part of the Young Artists...
Is This The Best POD Camouflage Ever ?
We've all been there, being ashamed of our newbie's gear. The Line 6 Pod does the job but it ain't the most desirable...
Best Ceiling Light Ever…
Now that's a way to give the living room a little more "twang". Let's hope the owner doesn't get too carried away and...
The Perfect Travel Guitar ?
Huh maybe not... See those frets ? Obviously, it's not meant to be a functional guitar. How could it be ? This is a...
Pimp My Ride !
Looks like someone's trying to rock the streets with their new guitar scooter. That may be not road legal, but it's...
Betcha Can’t Play This Rig…
You have to be very stretchable to play this rig ! Yup, that's the only message I'm getting from this installation art...
All Star Amp
Don't know if the owner was just tired of carrying around a bulky amplifier and decided to just wear it instead, or he...