Because One G-String is Not Good Enough
Because one G-string wasn't good enough, they put one on the back of this wild Flying Butt guitar ! Now this Flying V...
Yeah but does it have an Usain Bolt-on neck ? Puns ! Puns everywhere !
Band of Sextoys !
Not exactly a guitar fail but a very funny idea it is! And this confirms that guitarists are dicks, and bass players...
Mr Trololo Meets Metal
You remember Mr Trololo singer dude Eduard Khil (RIP) ?? Here is a metal tribute !! Khil me now !!...
May The Boss Be With You
Now we can all see the dark side of the Boss ! Obviously, it's the infamous Metal Zone MT-2 ! (via Boss Brasil)
Sport, Fitness & Guitar
Who needs protein shakes when you have a guitar? These guys are clearly on the guitar-gain diet. I'm not sure if...
Is There a Guitar Geek in the House ?
That guitar fence screams YES ! It's more than a fence, it's a statement! Behind that fence, a six-string samurai...
Everybody Talks During a Bass Solo
Indeed... Everybody does, especially guitar players !!
Now That’s a Flying V !!
Well... I know this is not a guitar but a contrabass balalaika, or something similar, but I couldn't resist the...
Worm Holes Guitars !
When it comes to lutherie, I'm not a purist. I do believe that anyy piece of wood can be used to make a solid body...
“Bassists Look Too Bored” – Mark Hopus at the International Bass Players Association
Brilliant ! This College Humor video is hilarious, and so true... What's wrong with static bass players, anyway ?! One...
Everything Changes but Guitars
Kinda true and funny. The Stratocaster has seen it all. From the birth of rock and roll to the invention of the...