Oops ! Wrong Case !

Oops ! Wrong Case !

The guitar gun case was created using an acoustic guitar hardshell case and pre-scored foam blocks that were hand-cut...

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Busking : Epic Level

Busking : Epic Level

Nowadays, if you want to be heard, you have to cut through the noise. It's even more true if you are busking in the...

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Best Slash Cosplay Ever !

Best Slash Cosplay Ever !

And the award for best dressed couple at a party goes to... drumroll please... the man dressed as Slash and the woman...

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Who Let the Dog In ?

Who Let the Dog In ?

Who ? Who ? Who ? Who ? Who ? I guess the dog's band must be on a break if he has time to catch some z's in a guitar...

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The Proco Cat

The Proco Cat

Looks like that cat has finally found a use for all those hours spent sleeping on the couch, mastering the pedalboard....

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Guitar Fail

Exploring the funny side of guitar since 2011. Our motto is simple: “In it for the guitar fail!“