Da Ya Think I’m Sexy ?
Meet Les Paulette's sister ! If your guitar is your other wife maybe you should consider buying them some lingerie...
Be Careful What You Wish For !
Not everyone is a Telecaster fan ! You better be specific about the men you wish to be irresistible to ! Via
My Fingers Are So Calloused From Playing Guitar…
It's a real "problem", and it has a name : "Zombie fingers" ! If you have thick callouses on your fingers or your skin...
Shredding Guitar
She looks like she's really pissed off ! What should you do if your spouse is about to feed your guitar to the...
E = Fb
If Albert Einstein said so, I'll go with that ! From now on, E = Fb no matter what enharmonic relationships arguments...
Chip Guitar
Looks like this guitar is not only delicious, but also has a unique way of being played. I guess the amplifier is the...
WOW Look ! A Martin !!
True story !
Capo Fail !
Boris Johnson nonsensical shenanigans but on a guitar ! Fretting above the capo will never do the job, BoJo !
Pedal Demo Bingo
The pedal demo bingo is funny because it's true ! When you think about it, isn't that true that : Every other...
Oh My God ! Is That a Les Paul ?
It definitely is a Les Paul guitar ! One question remains though : what is that small amp head on the couch ? Come on...
Guitarists Volume Theory
So true ! There must some physics law to explain that common phenomenon ! Why do guitarists have to push the volume so...
True Bypass Fact
Everyone tried hard to enjoy themselves at Woodstock... Despite the fact that Jimi's pedals were not "true bypass" !...