The Cost to be the World’s Greatest Guitar Player…
If you're not ready to sell your soul to be the greatest guitarist on earth, guess what you get for a dollar? Our...
The Hardest Thing You Can Do On Guitar
Kind of sad but so true... Damn you Todd for being right ! So why making actual money as a musician, particularly with...
Guitar Swing Gone Very Wrong
Yeah, that's an epic fail ! Don't try this at home, kids... Well, don't try this even if you are an adult or make sure...
Busking from the Bin
Read the story of busker Charlie Cavey & his dog Obi at The Daily Mail. I never thought about it that way but...
Stacking Effects
You are doing it so wrong ! Nevertheless, there is some coolness in this picture... Almost like that zen stacked...
Shred… You’re Doing it Wrong
Ouch ! Shredding a finger that way with guitar strings hurts like a bitch !
Rock Guitar Vs Jazz Guitar
Everybody loves a nerdy guitar joke ,right ? So, what is the difference between a rock guitarist and jazz guitarist ?...
Jimi Hendrix Face Lifting Fail
Sometimes you can just giggle at people's creativity and ideas. At least, this is an act of ephemeral "vandalism"...
Looking For The Cleanest Tone Ever?
Tone soap gives you the cleanest tone ever ! Use Tone soap !! Via @jasonshadrick
Bending… You’re Doing it Wrong !!
Someone put a neck back under this fingerboard, please ! This picture might make some Stratocaster fans cry !
The World’s Largest Fully Playable Multi-Necked Guitar
The Rock Ock has 8 necks, and is fully playable. Well, playable doesn't make it listenable, right?...
Guitar Win… Tie Fail… Or the Other Way Around?
Ah, yes. The perfect accessory for when you need to shred some spreadsheets. I'm not one to judge someone who takes...