So Much Pain in One Picture !!
From Green Day's Billy Joe Armstrong Instagram feed... "broken bits from the past 20 years"...
I Don’t Wanna Know What Happened Here !
So much pain in one picture...
Someone Carved a Pickups Cavity with their Bare Hands ?
Obviously not... or else imagine the motivation it requires to carve such a swimming pool cavity that way ! Let's hope...
Matt Bellamy’s Guitar Rack Falls 15 Feet
I think that roadie cried a little ! I did !
Guitars Mass Grave
I don't know the context of this picture. Is it a container full of counterfeit Gibson guitars ? Is it the result of...
Vintage Gibson Guitar Mangled by Airline Baggage Handlers
I would be so pissed if that was my guitar ! Dave Schneider's 1965 Gibson ES-335 got jammed and crushed in an elevator...
NASCAR Driver Kyle Busch Smashes Gibson Guitar Trophy
I bet the Gibson team cried a little... I bet you are crying a little !
A Gibson Les Paul Struck by Lightning
Hoyt's 1985 Gibson Les Paul Reissue was struck by lightning while it was being stored in a room of his house during a...
Les Paul Ruined Top
This is one of these pictures that are so painful to watch ! You want to know how this happened to that poor Les Paul...
And Now… Eat the Other Half !
Here is the true story of a Gibson Les Paul guitar that had an accident with a concrete floor. Its unfortunate owner...