SRV Forgotten Signature Guitar ?
Strats are so overrated ! I guess you can be a fan of Stevie Ray Vaughan but still prefer to play a Telecaster. After...
Stratocaster Mutilation
It all probably started as "let's make a cool guitar design !"... ... But it didn't end up that well ! We can only...
Worst Fretboard Job Ever
Nailed it ! Looks like this guitar's been through a lot. With a little bit of duct tape, it'll be good as new. Looks...
That Headstock Will Never do the Job !
Someone's guitar is really ahead of its time reinventing the tuning process, or just really confused. In a way, guitar...
Return of the Dyslexic Luthier
That must be the work of the same guy who made this headstock ! The funniest part is that he figured out that...
A Gibson SG Guitar Lost Its Head ! Meet The Headless SG !
Nope... Not for me ! Update : We know a little bit more about this headless Gibson SG guitar that became a legend of...
PRS Massacre !
Luthier Tom Marceau had this guitar for repair... Repairing this is going to be a bit challenging ? This is a real PRS...
The Ibanez Bamboo Custom Guitar
Someone's been taking their eco-friendly guitar building to the next level. Not sure if this is a guitar or a bamboo...
What a Mess !!
I didn't see the guitar before this massacre... I don't think I want to see it ! Obviously, it was some sort of...
Someone's spouse ain't gonna be happy ! At least now the guitar player can finally have his instrument and eat off of...
The Solid Hollow Body ? The Hollow Solid Body ? No… The Disaster Guitar !
The only explanation is that someone tried very hard to make a hollowbody guitar from this solidbody Les Paul like...
Smoking Riffs With The ChroniCaster Bong Guitar
Writer and editor Mike Edison had a pot-smoking device installed on his guitar. Wouldn't that be the perfect Stoner...