Got to be a perv to play that creepy one ! The Girl Guitar is a vintage mannequin transformed into an electric guitar...
I Guess you Play it With a Puck ?
Another guess : Not the most comfortable bass out there !
Everything is Political
Question is : Does it make it easier to hammer-on ? Øystein Sundes' Kommunistcaster - Source
No Muff Too Tuff
That's dirty... Check the comments section for a little background on this No Muff Too Tuff guitar ! I'm not surprised...
Snake Guitar
Impressive skills but carved guitars always make me smile... This custom shop ESP Snake 2 from makes no exception.
Apple Now Building Guitars
And now I'm hungry ! I just hope it doesn't turn brown and mushy when you play it for too long.
Twisted Guitar
If someone has an explanation for this... Update : This twisted guitar was made by Mark Grimbly. The nickname of this...
Worst Heart-Shaped Guitar ?
It's Valentine's day, so here is a guitar that combines the romance of a heart-shaped guitar with the deadly accuracy...
That V Couldn’t Fly…
... So they've added an angel to carry it ? In case you were wondering, this is an ESP Angel Classic V ! Of course it...
The Ebow 3-String Bass
So, is it a real or fake instrument from Jens Ritter Instruments ? Although it looks like a sci fi movie prop there is...
Are You Fan Enough to Get a Tattoo of Your Favorite Guitar Gear Brand ?
Here is an ink fanatic / guitar nerd ! Of course he was going to get a tattoo of his favorite brand ! Which one would...
Yet Another Rick Nielsen Crazy Guitar
Rick Nielsen's guitars are so wild that there should be a Rick Nielsen museum somewhere... Really !