Now That’s a Pointy Guitar !

It looks like a rather devilish photoshop guitar but if it is real or was to be made, I’ wish’d like to see it in action. Not front row, from a safe distance, and I’d enjoy watching the massacre.

And Here Is The Olive !

Now the Pizza Guitar is complete ! This olive on a toothpick guitar actually is a custom 2-string bass guitar. The owner of this weird bass is Stig Pedersen from Danish band D-A-D. Stig Pedersen owns a lot of weird shaped basses. Don’t be surprised to see more...

Pizza Box Guitar… But Where is the Olive ?

Promotional guitars are not that rare. The Original Grandiosa Metal Guitar is a one-of-a-kind instrument though. Why shape it like a pizza box and not like a pizza ? It certainly is to make sure to turn heads. Once your eyes are on it, you can’t escape from the...

Bizarre Dollar Guitar

There is not much information about this K One Dollar guitar. Kronodale is a French brand co-founded by two designers specialized in guitars with unique designs. One-of-a-kind it is !

All I Wanted Was a Volume Knob !

This confusing guitar is actually a 1976 Godwin Guitorgan vintage synth organ. The Godwin Guitorgan was developed by the Godwin Company in 1976. It was designed to emulate the sound of a traditional pipe organ, and featured a built-in guitar pickup that allowed...