One thing for sure, you could use the guitar condom to approach that slutty guitar without any risk for your health ! On a slightly more “serious” note, why people are so obsessed with keeping their guitar as shiny, and brand new as possible ?
Let them guitars be scratched !
How is that a fail?
Because I said so 🙂 or maybe just because it is funny with a slight touch of fail in it ! A condom for a guitar… Really? 🙂
it is a huge merchandising fail! i would feel really stupid buying mi basses a condom, but i might consider buy my basses a protective shield or whatever it is, why keep them as shiny as brand new? well, because they are built with exotic woods
I put one of these on a les paul and it took off the finish and some wood when removed (by gibson) and cost me $300 in repairs. what a bad product
Well, that shows me rather the fail of Gibson finish. 😉
Sorry about the joke, buddy. I know it could be shocking.
It’a kinda controversial… I mean to keep it shiny and spotless or not…
If I buy a new guitar (what I didn’t do 2 years ago) I would be really upset making scratches on it at the first time.
If I buy a used with obvious signs that it was a player workhorse I don’t care, it’s the part of the mojo. 🙂