Drunk Luthier Strikes Back

Remember drunk luthier from this stopbar fail or this headstock fail ? Well, here is another one… If the input jack of your Stratocaster moves in the jackplate, just solder it ! Big up to all the drunk luthiers around the world ! Thanks Lukasz for sharing this...

Tremolo Pedals… Not !

I am definitely one to use the term vibrato arm instead of tremolo arm ! But these are in no way pedals and even less tremolo pedals ! Unless you lay down your Strat on the floor, and use your foot to press ! Both tremolo arm and vibrato arm are commonly used to refer...

Guitarists Volume Theory

So true ! There must some physics law to explain that common phenomenon ! Why do guitarists have to push the volume so loud between the perfectly balanced sound check and the last song of the performance ? Or maybe is it just some basic psychology ?...

Pedalboard From Hell

Imagine how this pedalboard from hell would sound ! Probably something like this… Imagine a symphony of screeching metal, with the cries of a thousand tortured souls as the background music. That’s the most probable sound of a pedalboard with seven Boss...