Bubblegum Pop Guitar

The gumballs in this gumball guitar wouldn’t last more than a week ! Tonal Instruments, run by Rich Roland, is known for crafting unique guitars and violins. However, they also make guitar-shaped objects such as neon guitars, guitar aquariums, and the guitar...

Telecaster Rickenbacker Pickup Hybrid

A lot of vintage lapsteel pickups were pulled off in the past to be converted into lead Telecaster pickups but I’ve never seen this done with a horseshoe Rickenbacker pick up ! Now I know why… It’s just ugly! Source...

Now That’s a Fucking Fucker Amp…

Metasonix has the best branding in the amps & effects world ! According to Eric Barbour of Metasonix : The G-1000 aka The Fucking Fucker is an amp like no other. It is entirely made of vacuum tubes and uses only new-old-stock (NOS) tubes that have never been used...

It Takes a Geektarist to Play a gAtari !

He seems to have a lot of fun with this weird instrument… But from a guitar stand point, it’s a fail ! cTrix is a musician and a developer. He creates and performs music with the home computers of the 80’s and 90’s. The gAtari is based on a video game...