Lost Air Guitar
Looks like someone lost their air guitar. But how do you lose an air guitar? Did it fly away or something? Anyway, I...
There is Something Wrong With Eddie Van Halen…
Looks like someone was too heavy with the photoshop brush ! Another sweet photoshop disaster - Source
The Couch Potato Guitar & Bass Workout
That's got be the best method ever ! Technique-building exercises you can do while watching TV ? Count me in ! Their...
Air Guitar Doesn’t Mean Inflatable Guitar… Let’s Not Talk About the Doll !
I can't decide if it's more weird or creepy. But the more disturbing thing is... who buys that, anyway ?
Not Only This Rock Band Controller is Wrong But so is the Ad !!
Someone didn't do their homework, unless... Unless this Rock Band controller is cosplaying a Rickenbacker cosplaying a...
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OMG! A Fender American Stratocaster by Gibson! Need!