Without Gibson Strings… I Couldn’t Play a Lick !
Troubling ad ! With her tongue out and a guitar string pierced through it, Clare Product is taking the phrase 'playing...
Fast Vs Fast : Can Volkswagen Beat John “Flight of the Bumblebee” Taylor
I like to see guitars in commercials... Whatever that commercial may be. But this one, I don't know... It seems like...
So Dave Moustaine Has a Zom Moulti-Effect !
Spotted by our friend Ted GMG... Thanks for this hilarious typo ! In case you want to see that it's for real check the...
Dean Toilet Seat Guitar For Sale
Now that's something really different ! Don't talk about it ! Or, let's talk about it a little anyway. So "This guitar...
Tokai is Coming…
Dirtiest guitar ad ever ! From the awesome Guitar Ads Pinterest page. Update from the comments section : Eric Dixon...
The Stratocrapper is Back & Available for Sale!
Oh crap ! The strat-o-crapper is back... You can see it on ebay !!
It Doesn’t Look Like an Acoustic Guitar !
Fellow blogger Pappy from The Fifth Fret blog sent this picture... Nice catch mate!
Antique 1940 Acoustic Guitar 16 String Unique Very Rare
Oh, and probably not a guitar anyway ! Ebay is a wonderful place. Update: Finally, we have a name for this instrument....
Chris Cornell gets Gibson Endorsement
Someone didn't do their job right... Repeat after me : - Gi - b - son... -Gr - e - tsch !?! -...
mySongBook Valentine’s Ad Fail?
Do you see the unfortunate shadow or am I just a perv ? Love the title of the blog post too : Valentine’s Day: Your 7...
Not the Best Way to do Bar Chords
You just need one finger to bring attitude to your chords ! I'm not sure if this is and ad for guitar lessons, rock...
Only a Centaur Guitar Teacher Can Unleash your Inner Rock God
While a centaur teacher could be cool, I wouldn't hire a werewolf for my guitar lessons... They shred too hard! The...