Dragon Guitar

Well, here is another proof that Dragons & Guitars don’t imx well, but still there is always someone to try ! I get it you want to practice your dragon scales to fire up your guitar playing ! I hate to break the news to you but dragon scales are too rough for your...

Chainsaw Guitar to Slice some Bloody Riffs

I'm hesitating... Fail ? Win ? Epic Win ? You decide !

Lazy Luthier !

That's the kind of guitars I would build if I were to be a luthier ! Why bother carving wood ? Luckily, this guitar does not exist. It is a an imaginary guitar found here.

Stratocollapster : Double Body Guitar With a Single Neck

Two Stratocaster bodies united by one neck ! You don't get the point? Neither do we ! There is a video of this Stereocaster - Stratocollapster, whatever ! - that will probably left you scratching your head trying to figure out what the deal is with this siamese...

The Six-String Seductress That Combines Rock ‘n’ Roll with Pinup Soul

When you hear the word ‘pinup,’ your mind might wander to vintage posters. It probablly won’t picture a pinup shaped guitar with a Floyd Rose!

See You Later Alligator…

Or maybe it's a crocodile ! In any case it is a weird looking Telecaster ! Enregistrer

Flying Y Guitar !!

These guitars made from recycled carbon-fiber frames of bikes which is kinda cool but don't try to play beyond the 12th fret ! Don't even think about it ! Jacob Chapman, from Bend, Oregon, ingeniously turned carbon-fiber frame of a Trek Y bike into a guitar. He calls...

Bud Dry Company Axe

This guitar was handed to the band, FOC, when a sponsorship from Budweiser was granted to support their US tours. It was a valuable sponsorship as they were provided with financial support, strings, pics, and an unlimited supply of beer. And no, it did not have to be...

Yet Another Toilet Seat Guitar

Have you ever wondered what's the motivation to build a toilet seat guitar ? Once upon a time, there was a man named Bob who had a passion for music and a love for all things toilet-related. One day, while sitting on the throne, inspiration struck him like a...

Who Wants To Play the Panjo ?

If it doesn't sound great, you can still fry some eggs and bacon in this frying pan banjo.



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Guitar Fail

Exploring the funny side of guitar since 2011. Our motto is simple: “In it for the guitar fail!“